My writings: Poetry: Learning a language

I'm trying to understand words that aren't mine.
They belong to you and to all of those who
read or spoke them and took them into their heart.

These words are in a language I don't understand,
but want to understand, want to make mine.
They're clinging to an ivy on my barren language ground,
a ground almost empty of words, grammar and meaning.

I'm spending days and weeks to fill this barren emptiness,
to make the sentences understandable, to open a gate
into a new world, a new way of thinking, a new way of being.

A language is a key, a desirable key that opens
the inner space of the community, the incomprehensible
sounds are suddenly understandable words with meaning.

Therefore knowing a language can change an identity -
from being without any words and unable to express oneself
to someone who can say what they want and perhaps
even get it.

By © Dolores Meden 2017